Doves Farm produce most of their organic, fair-trade and gluten free cooking ingredients and products on their own farm in Hungerford. It is a much loved brand which really stands out on the supermarket shelves throughout the UK. Their 3 different websites made it difficult for consumers and distributors to find the information they wanted. Good were approached to look at consolidating these websites and add more features that would make consumers feel part of the Doves Farm family.
This was achieved by implementing the GoodCMS (developed with Nvable) customised to provide additional features such as the recipe section and the stockist location. The products were managed by the eCommerce module of the GoodCMS. Stockists were able to put through trade orders.
NOTE: This site now no longer uses the GoodCMS and has since moved to a different company, such is the way of the web. These screen grabs show the GoodCMS version.
Built whilst at Good.